Imago Facilitation/Coaching

Transform conflict to connection with Imago

Imago Facilitators and Educators are professionals – such as coaches, teachers, physicians, lawyers and business owners – committed to strengthening relationships. Using Imago tools and techniques to generate connection, improve cooperation and deepen learning, we work with groups and organizations to increase relational intelligence.

Why work with an Imago Facilitator or Educator?

Imago Facilitation is based on 30 years of relationship research and experience. Through customized programs, Imago Facilitators and Educators guide clients in building a connected and productive relationships, empowering them with tools to nurture connection, improve cooperation, deepen growth and prevent conflict.

How does Imago work?

  • Experience collaboration and cooperation in spite of differences.
  • Eliminate negativity in your personal and professional relationships.
  • Transform conflict to connection.
  • Transform frustrations into healthy requests and boundaries.
  • Save energy, time and cost while increasing productivity and results.
  • Upgrade and harmonize verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Proactively harness growth and development stages.

What are the benefits of Imago?

  • Create environments with greater respect, ease, trust, connection, support and accountability.
  • Quickly bounce back into a healthy and connected place after experiencing conflict/disconnect.
  • Experience and practice greater self-awareness, emotional self-regulation and empathy in day to day life.
  • Effectively process stressful conversation dynamics and transform breakdowns/pitfalls/patterns that hinder effective communication.
  • Heal the impact of past damage through "repair" skills.
  • Provide feedback/reviews that can be received without defensiveness or hurt.
  • Lead meetings that grow relationships and leave participants feeling valued, inspired and invested in their work and the team.

Imago skills and understanding of relationship dynamics are applicable in many diverse fields. Wherever relationships are involved - at work, at home, at play - relationship challenges can arise.

Imago Relationships North America
12172 South Route 47, #207
Huntley, IL 60142
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(866) 960-1550

Diversity and Inclusion

IRNA welcomes and aims to be enriched by all people and cultures.

Outside North America?

Imago networks can be found all around the world.

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